Carbon Credit

Carbon Credit is the amount of greenhouse gases that are reduced or stored and not released into the environment from project operations and being certified by a certification body. Carbon credits in Thailand are obtained through the Thailand Voluntary Emissions Reduction (T-VER) program and certified by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization), where it is measured in tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2eq).

The number of carbon credits obtained from the project will be valued at the amount (price) per tCO2eq and can be traded in the carbon market with agencies or organizations that want carbon credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions (Carbon Offsetting) either in the corporate, product, and event level

A greenhouse gas reduction project that can be developed into a T-VER project must fall into the following project categories :

As a One Stop Service LNG partner, BTSG also helps assist a customer, who requires carbon credit, to coordinate with TGO in issuing carbon credit from T-VER to provide the customer with the best interest.

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Carbon Credit is the amount of greenhouse gases that are reduced or stored and not released into the environment from project operations and being certified by a certification body.